Things have been crazy busy lately - which you've probably gathered from our lack of blog posts in the last month. It's been a bit of a struggle trying to strike the balance between our day jobs, being a parent to a 5 year old (Yes our little guy is FIVE now), working on the house, & staying on top of the blog, but we're working on it. Thankfully though - this time, our silence here hasn't meant things over at the Dreamhouse have ground to a halt. Quite the opposite actually. Things have really progressed since our last update & we're even starting to glimpse that light at the end of the tunnel. So rather than ramble on and on about all of the things that have been happening we thought it might be easier to share a quick video progress report so you can see for yourselves.

Happy Friday friends!! Well, Project Santa is well under way and if you've been following our behind the scenes progress on Twitter and Instagram you know that we created a workspace in the basement to stage and dry fit everything.  By measuring and taping off the dimensions of the laundry room, it basically it gave us a place to plan, construct, & assemble all the elements to see how things would all fit together before we got into the actual space.  It also allowed us to do all that, without forcing my parents to go without a laundry room for 2 weeks while we carry out our little transformation.