Pet cemetery!
Well folks, today is October 31st and we thought it fitting to share this little bit of news today. Apparently we've got ourselves a pet cemetery...
UPDATE: The demo continues…
The demo crew has been VERY busy while we were away. With the exception of the one load bearing wall frame & the main floor bathroom, this house issue is gutted!
A little break from reality…
Well we've had a fantastic trip! We cruised around the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas USVI, Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Kitts; celebrated a 35th anniversary, celebrated a 65th birthday, spent some quality time with family and most importantly, got some MUCH needed R&R! Not bad for 8 days huh?
Let the demolition begin! [Video]
After having a little fun last night, we decided to leave the rest to the professionals who came in today to get started with the real demo work. Here's a quick peek at the progress at the end of the first day.
Closing day: Take 2
Every cloud has a silver lining... As you know, our closing got delayed by one day. Boo right? We thought so too. The upside however, is that because of that ONE seemingly insignificant day, our first mortgage payment has now been delayed by ONE MONTH! Woo hoo!!! I guess it's true what they say - everything happens for a reason. :-)
Closing day??
Well today was closing day. Sort of. At least it was supposed to be. As it turns out, however there was an error in the mortgage paperwork that caused a delay in the final release of funds between the bank and our lawyer's office. Despite everyone's feverish attempts to rectify things, ultimately the clock just ran out before the issue could be resolved.