Elements of a Dream Kitchen: Sink & faucet (#ORC Week 5)
Well we've made it to week 5 of the ORC which means we're into the home stretch. This week we're taking you through a few of the details - the little luxuries that will elevate our kitchen from its current basic state to truly realizing the dream we've envisioned for the last 5 years. First things first - let's talk about the sink & faucet.
The great countertop debate pt. 3
The great countertop debate pt. 2
If you've been following along, yesterday we kicked off our discussion of the various countertop surfaces we're considering for our kitchen. In part 1 we shared our ultimate love for quartz. Today we'll be taking a closer look at Corian.
The great countertop debate pt. 1
In working through the space planning & design with Lisa, we've begun talking about some of the interior finishes & materials for the various rooms. When the topic of kitchen counters came up our immediate first thought was quartz - for obvious reasons.