Booking a Genius Bar appointment for my coffee damaged MacBook

If you remember last week was all about the window install (I know, how could you forget right?!). Well this week we were all geared up to kick off another Design Week & talk about all our plans for the exterior of the house…

And then I spilled coffee on my MacBook.

Yup. That happened. Cause I’m awesome like that. [edit violent curse words…] πŸ™

So hopefully you’ll forgive my brevity and lack of enthusiasm as today’s post is brought to you from my iPhone while simultaneously booking an appointment at the Apple store to figure out whether my laptop is toast or not. [more editing of violent curse words…]

But you know what they say…”the blog must go on” and all that right?? Well thankfully I still have the photos of Kash’s Halloween costume & DIY progress on my phone so I’ll try to post that before the week’s out while I deal with my lack of laptop status. With any luck we can get back to all the exterior stuff next week. Fingers crossed. Sigh…

On a side note: Why is it impossible to get a Genius Bar appointment anywhere in the GTA in less than 4 days?!?! WTF Apple?! Grrrrrr… [ensure more violent cursing…]

Wish me luck people!


UPDATE: After spending 48hrs upside down to dry out, I was able to get it to boot up & so far things are working (for the most part). It looks like the battery is fried, as its not charging & I’ve had a couple of random spontaneous restarts here & there but for now at least it’s functioning & all my data is there. I was able to get a backup in last night also so should the worst happen at least I have everything salvaged. I guess we’ll have to wait & see what Apple has to say on the weekend & how much it’ll cost to get things repaired or parts replaced. But I have to say it could have been much worse! More to come…

  • Mum
    October 29, 2013

    language, my dear, language

  • October 29, 2013

    what a nightmare!! πŸ™

  • October 29, 2013

    I live near Calgary and made a Genius appt this pm for tomorrow am. Got it! Having issues with email and Apple ID. Hope it works out for you! ~Thea

  • October 30, 2013

    I was able to get a same day appointment at the apple store in Newmarket when Mike’s phone went kaput. Not sure how far that is for you, though!

  • October 31, 2013


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